Wow, Good Records' birthday was fun! Thanks for being there- it was a long, wet and loud day.
Here are the next New Fumes shows:
May 15 at Sons of Herman Hall (downstairs early 9:00) for ISHI's Cd release.
May 20 at the Kessler Theater in Oak Cliff. show starts at 7:00. The Diamond Age and Regina Chellew open. Both Diamond Age and Regina have not played live in a LONG time- this will be really good. Diamond Age is M Leer (Mandarin, History At Our Disposal) solo. Google him and see his connection with This Heat! Regina Chellew was in Captain Audio and Chao Music. She Rules.
Now, here's a download for ya------>
this is the FROGBOY album i did a while back called "rides golden thread". much of it was my laptop deathmatch material, mostly intrumental- still melodic, symphonic, electronic, psychedelic idm rock...
i would not be doing New Fumes without having done this stuff first. i think you will like it if you enjoy what i do now. maybe you will like it even more. ENJOY!