Friday, September 7, 2012

New Fumes + The Flaming Lips Cover King Crimson

So much has gone on since my last post. There was a 24 hour tour, another pressing of Heady Fwends for the UK/EU, recording new material, mixing, working day jobs and not much sleeping... A few weeks ago I was asked by Wayne Coyne to record two songs from King Crimson's 1969 debut LP, In The Court of the Crimson King. The first being "Moonchild" and the second being "I Talk To The Wind". Both are such beautiful songs! I was told later to concentrate on "I Talk To The Wind" because a band called Spaceface from Memphis, TN would be working on "Moonchild". Linear Downfall had already recorded a version of "21st Century Schizoid Man" and Stardeath and White Dwarfs was working on another track from the same album, all of which would be compiled into a complete cover of the entire album that would include contributions from The Flaming Lips. Sounds fantastic to me! I told Wayne I was going to record both songs within the week, just for fun and because I really love both of those songs. So, after I would get done pouring Heady Fwends UK vinyl at A+R each day, I would go home and work on these songs. I really had a blast doing so! It was challenging figuring out some of the parts, but so worth the exercise! When I was done recording them in the Dome Home in Dallas, I took them up to Pink Floor studio in Oklahoma City to put the sessions in their computer to be sent off to be mastered. Before coming back home, I sat down and recorded Wayne singing on "Moonchild". I brought it home, mixed and tweaked a bit more and here you go... We hope you enjoy it! It's a free download, so get it, turn it up, share with your friends and keep an eye out for the whole album! This version may or may not be on the album, just so you know.


  1. Love It. Saw you open up for the Spree in StLou. Big Crimso fan. This is choice! love the treatment

  2. I think this is going to be such a cool project!
